Hello all

How wonderful it is to be able to connect via email, WhatsApp and Facebook.
We were privileged this month to have Craig Johnson visit. He spoke of each part of the body of Christ being useful and significant and coined the phrase “invisible but invaluable”. All of you, when you pray for us, send messages to us and donate finances, are truly invaluable.

Project news:

A donation of 5000 Lozi Bibles was gratefully received. The Makomo group of translators are also at the base translating Colossians into their dialect with the assistance of consultants via zoom.

As the water levels on the Barotse flood plain have dropped, there are now more opportunities to do outreach as well as plan and install water wells. We are so grateful to those who donate to enable this to happen. We are also grateful to those that do the groundwork for people to hear the message of the Gospel as well as gain water wells for their communities.

Brand news:

We have continued to assist wherever necessary with logistics, hosting, and the day to day enabling of the various initiatives.

We also had the opportunity to take ten days off where we could enjoy a welcome break camping at a game park. This was a great time of reflection in creation surrounded by sounds of hippos, birds and elephants.

Elections went smoothly in Zambia and there is renewed hope in the country.

Prayer and praise:Praise and thanks to God for health, strength, journey mercies and innumerable blessings at the project.Pray for discernment for the teenagers and young adults in a world of many temptations.Pray for wisdom for the missionaries in Mongu.Thank you again for for being invaluable even though you might feel invisible.