Dear friends and family

How are we choosing to live out our days?
What are we aiming for?
Sanctification is the process of changing and God changes people!
We trust that as we walk alongside those in our lives, here in Zambia, that we are encouraging them to know God better. “Having joy, experiencing peace and showing patience not determined by circumstances is exciting!” (Quote- Paul van Coller- Director of the Zambia Project) We ourselves are so encouraged by the people here and we love that we can be a part of God’s plan in Western Zambia.
The foundations for the Children’s Church building are being laid. This is a great step towards having a facility to help small to big get to know God and his ways.

Look at Nasilele’s expression. She was previously so shy in morning devotions, but is now enthusiastically reading Bible verses in English and Silozi since getting reading glasses.

Kamaya, who helps with buildings on the base, had an opportunity to go on his first outreach this month. He travelled four hours by bakkie, then by ox cart and then by makolo (canoe) to reach the area with Mastone the district leader.

This month we also welcomed a pastor and his wife from Pretoria, a children’s worker from Cape Town and a doctor, dentist couple and their family from the USA. We are so grateful for medium term volunteers, who are very helpful.
Thank you once more for praying us through challenges and enabling us to be here.

We would love to pray for your needs too.
Do send us a mail.

Kev and Carine
Categories: generalNewsletter