Dear friends and family On the last day of November we are so excited to look back at a month filled with joy and encouragement!We have had wonderful rains that has transformed the landscape. The Barotse floodplains are looking green and shimmery below a blue sky and billowy white clouds.
We as a couple have been so refreshed too by time spent with extra special friends from Florida that we knew well back in the Bulawayo days. We were also so refreshed to celebrate the year end meal at Hope Church with so many positive excited people who couldn’t stop telling of all God has done in the different areas of the project this year.
My small group time with the mothers from the homes was also filled with laughter as yet again my Lozi words have not increased despite their efforts to teach me. We prayed grateful prayers because of God’s blessings on the children in the homes. Three of our past students received full bursaries to study at the University of the Copperbelt too.We are enjoying all the reports from the area leaders as they spend this week in the villages that will soon be inaccessible because of the rainy season. Many joyful songs and life changing stories coming out.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with missionaries and Church leaders as we bid farewell to Matt, Savannah and the boys who will be heading to the USA. We pray for God’s blessings in all their endeavors.We head for SA tomorrow to see as many people as we can before spending 10 days in Paarl. Our son and family from Pretoria, our son and family from Sydney and our son and his wife from Sweden will all arrive there too. The first time we will all be together since March 2019! Very exciting!We hope you have something’s to look forward to as well.
We thank you for partnering with us to be able to reach out in Western Zambia together.God Bless
Kev and Carine