2021 a slow start2021 began in Paarl with new hope enjoying the company of our son, Kyle and his family from Pretoria. Carine continued helping lead the Christ Church Paarl ladies group through Colossians. After work Kevin built and modified home aids for a friend whose leg had been amputated. March arrived and so did our youngest son, Cameron and his wife, Nicole from Sweden. Whilst camping in the Cedarberg with them we received notification that our work permit for Zambia was approved. 18 months of waiting and wondering were over. God had taken us through 2020 in South Africa for many reasons, time to grow in faith, time for Kevin’s health to be restored, time to do courses and time to collect items for Zambia.April dawned bright and clear!April dawned bright and clear as we collected our Covid19 travel certificates and prayed with our Pastor.  We decided to leave South Africa on 8 April and arrived at Mutoya Missions Base on 12 April to many welcoming faces and greetings. It was wonderful to unpack the cars and distribute the donations of fabric, bedding, clothing, books and vehicle spares sent to be a blessing to others. It has been a busy start. We initially spent time in meetings at the various departments and met new team members.

The Zambia Project is aiming to become self-sustainable and is starting a fish farm and chicken farm as well as a basket weaving business and plant nursery. Lozi congregants are being trained to do this. At the local church there are also, ‘Year to serve’ students doing Village ministry and Youth & Children’s

Kevin, therefore, got to work on servicing and repairing the vehicle needing to go and collect fish for the new fish farming initiative. He also had to replace all the brakes on the bakkie which was needed to collect a wheelchair and go into the rural areas to build some huts for vulnerable elderly people. He also took a group onto the floodplain to cut basket reeds.
Carine enjoyed a crochet class with the house mothers from the homes. It was so enjoyable to hear them singing as they work. She also helped prepare the cottages for the Bible Translation Workshop that is just starting.

Every morning we have prayers and devotions with our Zambian ministry partners before beginning the days’ tasks. We had to make a trip to Lusaka, to collect Kevin’s Zambian work permit at Immigration. While we were there we also collected boxes of ‘Why Jesus?’ booklets in various dialects from Flying Mission Zambia to be able to distribute in the Western Province of Zambia.

Thank you for all the prayers, donations and financial support for us in ‘Keeping the Gospel moving’ in Western Zambia.
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