“I do not run like a man running aimlessly…” 1 Corinthians 9: 26“Purpose is what gives life meaning. A drifting boat always drifts downstream”
Dear friends and familyWe thought it would be a good idea to start giving you some highlights of things that have been happening with the Zambia project as well as our own news. 

Project updates:

The ‘Year to Serve” students had less to do at church because of Covid19 restrictions and were able to help more at the base. They painted the outside of the Children’s homes, as well as the ‘Save a life Centre’’ They also painted logos for our outside walls and added décor touches to other walls. Their youth and enthusiasm is so infectious! A new generation of Zambian Christians who are strong in the faith and willing to do good works!It’s been exciting to see the sustainability projects all growing, literally!The chicken farm, the fish farm and, this month, the structure for the retainer block production are all taking shape. All the various teams meet for devotions and planning each morning before heading out to the various sections of the base. As needs arise there has been wonderful co-operation between the different groups to find solutions. One body many parts (1 Corinthians 12:12-30). All part of God’s team reaching out to Western Zambia.
Brand updates:
Kevin was able to get more vehicles repaired, as he regained his strength following Covid. He is so thankful to those of you who have been able to support the maintenance programs financially. Parts are often unavailable in Mongu and need to be sourced in Lusaka or South Africa. It involves hours of organizing and transporting! This often increases the cost. Your financial contribution helps to ensure that the equipment and vehicles are safe and efficient to enable ministry to go forward.Carine was also so grateful for renewed energy following Covid. It was great to be a part of different groups again. This included doing garden maintenance, painting and the hosting of teams, all with the aim of serving with excellence to bring glory to God.

We enjoyed the “Ambassadors for Christ” course run by Hope Church George and are wanting to apply all we learnt.

Prayer requests:
God’s provision and favour on all the initiatives to bring life giving churches to the town and rural communities.May God Bless and keep you all brave, strong, gentle and positive in his name for his Kingdom.