Dear Friends and Family

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5 As dawn breaks each day we are woken by the lovely songs of the Hugelin Robins before going to our daily devotions and then taking on our various tasks.We have been asked to oversee general maintenance around the base and any upgrades that may need to happen. Kevin also runs the vehicle workshop and Carine arranges visitors’ accommodation.This month the target areas have been the erecting of a solar field to power the borehole pumps and the construction of a retaining wall and planting of  grass along the driveway to prevent erosion. We work with some lovely young Zambian men who are willing to learn and they work hard to achieve this. The values and vision of the project are all part of us being one team ‘so others may live’.Kevin also spent some time assisting village ministry groups with their vehicles that had broken down in the bush. Carine welcomed four different groups, who needed overnight accommodation in Mongu.
We have been enjoying wonderful fellowship, teaching and worship at our weekly prayer meetings and Sunday services.It is exciting to be a part of spreading the Gospel and making disciples in Western Zambia.We are so grateful to those who enable us to be here.

Something that we are needing at the moment is the clearance for the temporary import of our vehicles. Please be praying with us for this to happen quickly. 

Every Blessing Always, KC!