Dear friends and familyWe decided this month to answer a few questions you might have!WHERE is Mongu?It’s the main town of the Western Province of Zambia and it’s situated on the edge of the Barotse floodplain through which the Zambezi River flows. Mongu is 3000km from Cape Town and 1500km from Johannesburg.WHICH people groups would you meet there?The Lozi are the predominant group but, many Bemba, Luwali and Tonga people are in the area and as one moves further out, one will hear Fwe, Shanjo, Kwangwa, Makoma and Kwamashi spoken. The Bible Translation project is therefore so very important here and we value “The Seed Company” and others who are so vital to this project.
WHEN did this all begin?

David Livingstone in the late 1700’s identified the need for the Gospel and since 2003 The Zambia Project began evangelizing and working with Bible believing churches here. As time progressed a clinic, the “Save a Life Centre”, a school, a church, housing for vulnerable children and water wells have been provided.

WHAT do the missionaries and Zambian Ministry partners do?

We serve alongside the local church in Mongu to become better disciples of Christ as we learn, train, and reach out to the rest of the Province.

The vision and mission of the organization is to plant Life Giving Churches within walking distance (3- 5 km) of each village in Western Zambia. Many villages are only connected by footpaths or rivers. There is a need for 2500 congregations and currently there are 145.

WHO can be involved?

Anyone who wants to see the Kingdom of God established here. Prayer partners, donors, visiting groups and just people like you, who can tell others ….. wherever you may be.

God bless you for your encouragement and support.
“So others may live”
Categories: Newsletterprayer