Dear friends and family We trust you are well and aware of God’s purposes for your life today.
Each word and thought, each attitude and action being able to give God glory.Africa Day was celebrated this month and we were asked, “What are you grateful for in your country and on this continent? But, more importantly…. What are you grateful for in the Kingdom of God and in this season of your life?”We are grateful for our salvation.
We are grateful for the opportunity to serve in Western Zambia.
We are grateful for you and for the contribution you make to our lives and ministry.
We went to Nangula last week with a team of students. They were from the Chi Alpha (Christ’s Ambassadors) arm of the University of Tennessee. We also went to observe the drilling and construction of a hand water pump that they had raised money for.
As I write today I’m sitting under a tree in Kalabelewa where we are doing an outreach with the same team. People are being shown the way to the kingdom of light is through Jesus alone.

“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13 & 14)
It’s good to know you are ready to meet God, but are your friends and family also ready? It’s been so exciting to see young leaders from Hope church Mongu sharing the Gospel so enthusiastically too.

We value you!
Categories: generalNewsletter