Hello everyone

The wind has been blowing all month! But, when we stop to think about it, wind means change, movement, different and seasons, which is a necessary element in our lives.

Our visitors in August certainly brought us encouragement and enlarged our vision to embrace more.

Craig Johnson from Lakewood, Texas launched the first’ Champions Club’ for children with special needs in Zambia at the Centre here on the base. It was a wonderful few days of celebrating that every person is unique, valuable and has a hope in God. Partnering with others so we are ‘better together’

We also loved having Jay Haugh and his team here from New Covenant Bible Church in Iowa. Their congregation was sponsoring water wells and other initiatives here before even seeing the project.

The congregations in the Shilokoma areas have just had a leadership conference and reports of the enthusiasm and eagerness for fellowship and training has been so positive! The picture this month is the ox cart carpark!

Kev and I also had a week off in between taking and fetching people from the airport in Lusaka. We enjoyed having reflection time next to the Zambezi. What a privilege we have to serve here in Zambia.

We appreciate your prayers and support.
Every Blessing always.
Kev and Carine.

Prayer points:
1) Please pray for new teachers being employed at the Village of Hope School.
2) Please pray for the Bible Translators and Consultants travelling here for the final workshop of 2022.
3) Please pray for significant transformation in the hearts of those coming to Hope Church Mongu and the village churches.
4) Please pray for our leadership as they seek God’s will in every area.

We will be praying for you and your families and congregations too.

Categories: generalNewsletter