June 2018 will be a month to remember. We had our normal workshop duties and therapy slots as well as so much more. A child called Kanyumbu who has never been to school because of severe burns and his parents not being able to afford the community school in his area now has placement via a back to school programme.

Kevin and I also drove a group of ten people from Capetown to an area called Maikwelipe. We stayed there five days and fellowshipped and shared “God’s Story”. The people there laugh so much even though they have so little. After the daily program the men and boys played with a ‘Living’ soccer ball that was donated. Kevin made netball rings  from flexible branches and orange bags so the women and girls could play netball with their ‘Living’ ball. Each evening after walking back from various villages we had a bonfire and sang and shared testimonies and scriptures together. How the locals find their way around without gadgets like our headlamps is amazing.

Our son Cameron and his wife Nicole arrived in Mongu as we returned. They brought with them a solar powered water purification unit. Cameron and Kevin installed it near the ‘Save a Life’ centre and ‘Children’s Homes’,  with long distance help from Kyle in Pretoria. Kevin, Jaycee and Cameron then drove almost to Angola to get water samples. It is hoped that more of these units will be sponsored so that these areas with poor drinking water can be helped.

Project News

The teams that came from far and wide brought so much energy and excitement as they helped with gardens and buildings on the base and at the new church building before going out to the villages to share the gospel and help with discipling. It gave me a picture of a fire getting warmer and brighter as more coals are added. Each person in each team being prayed along by someone from their hometown and adding light and love to the fire of reaching the Lozi people in Western Zambia.

Categories: generalprayer