January 2023!

Dear friends and family                 Psalm 92:12-15 “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,    they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;planted in the house of the Lord,    they will flourish in the courts of our God.They will still bear fruit in old age,    they will stay fresh and green,proclaiming, Read more…

August 2022

Hello everyone The wind has been blowing all month! But, when we stop to think about it, wind means change, movement, different and seasons, which is a necessary element in our lives. Our visitors in August certainly brought us encouragement and enlarged our vision to embrace more. Craig Johnson from Lakewood, Texas launched Read more…

May 2022

Dear friends and family We trust you are well and aware of God’s purposes for your life today.Each word and thought, each attitude and action being able to give God glory.Africa Day was celebrated this month and we were asked, “What are you grateful for in your country and on this continent? Read more…

April 2022

“…What is that to you? You must follow me!” John 21:22 So often we are aware of what others are doing or not doing and it’s not as important as us listening and obeying for ourselves. Dear friends and family We trust you are well and grateful for your salvation and Read more…

March 2022

Hello all. March has been challenging with world events and also some closer to home but, these never outweigh the numerous blessings and progress we see as Jesus transforms hearts and Christians unite to bring encouragement and relief to those around them.We’d like to introduce you to some friends of Read more…

February 2022

Dear friends and family How are we choosing to live out our days?What are we aiming for?Sanctification is the process of changing and God changes people!We trust that as we walk alongside those in our lives, here in Zambia, that we are encouraging them to know God better. “Having joy, experiencing peace and Read more…